Keep in Rhythm

Keep in Rhythm

Keep in Rhythm is a music school for studying drums. Run by Dar Levi, a drummer and a percussions session artist, it is a home for kids who want to achieve the next level. Keep in Rhythm has 12 different logos, 6 of them with the firm’s name. It is derived from the Zen circle, and can be used on both bright and dark surfaces. Here, we demonstrate its 6 full logos. The rest are similar, but without the printed firm and are mostly used in small surfaces such as Instagram & Snapchat.

Basic logo

The main logo, used in most prints and publications.

Brown logo

A typical logo for extra bright surfaces such as yellow or white.

Black logo

A logo which is mostly being used in official docs like invoices.

Multiply blend

A yellow color in a blend which will fit dark surfaces.

Screen blend

A yellow color in a blend which will fit black surfaces.

White logo

A logo for big black surfaces such as concert ads and posters.


Present box

The multiply-yellow blend fits to KIR’s brown present box.

Training pad

The white logo, as a representative for live music, 

suits perfectly to the training pad.

Instructing scroll arrow

Keep in Rhythm

Keep in Rhythm is a school for studying music for kids and youth, run de Dar Levi, a drummer and a percussion session artist. It has 12 logos, 6 of them with the firm’s name and the rest have only the graphic item on them. The logo is derived from the Zen circle and can be used on both dark and bright backgrounds.

Click for demonstrations

Basic logo

Mostly being used

Brown logo

A logo for bright surfaces

Black logo

A logo for papers in office

Multiply yellow blend

A logo for dark surfaces

Screen yellow blend

A logo for black surfaces

White logo

A logo for real stuff: Concert ads, kits and more


Present box

The multiply yellow blend logo on the brown box.

Training pad

The white logo fits the physical pad instrument.

Keep in Rhythm

Keep in Rhythm is a school for studying drums for kids and youth, run by Dar Levi, a drummer and a percussion session artist. It has 12 logos, 6 of them with the firm’s name and the rest have only the graphic item. It is derived from the Zen circle and can be used on both dark and bright BG.

Click here for demonstrations!

Basic logo

The main logo

Brown logo

For bright BG

Black logo

For papers


For dark surfaces


For black surfaces

White logo

For physical stuff & posters


Present box

The multiply yellow logo on the brown box.

Training pad

The white logo fits the physical pad instrument.